The school is not necessarily cliquey, but it is something to be aware of. The Black Student Union at South is amazing! There are many different clubs so everyone has the opportunity to find their people. Spectrum is our lgbtq+ club, BSU, ASU(Arab student Union), VSU (Vietnamese), so on and so forth. South is primarily […]
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Though south is a PWI there are a lot of different ethnicities and races at the school. For some students, it’s easier to group with their own race or ethnicity so we have a lot of different groups and organizations for things like that. It’s good but also bad because it seems as if it’s […]
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I appreciate the fact that the school recognizes and supports international students. Black students should remember to reach for the stars! Stand up for yourself, believe in your strength and colour. No one can make you feel less of yourself without you giving them the permission.
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Rutgers is such a big school that you will find your crowd. There are so many different people but like the same things that will hang together. However, there are organizations that cater to specific groups, which isn’t segregation (just a home away from home). Are there resources? YES!!! We have the Paul Robeson Cultural […]
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The Tennessee Tech Black cultural center helps with finding a home away from home. With our admission numbers being low for students of color, having this place assists with the mental state of feeling appreciated. The school has mentoring programs called RACE and RACE Plus. That being said, there is division between races/ethnicities. Tennessee Tech […]
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Tennessee Tech is segregated between races. They are very inclusive to POC but are secluded from other races. The organizations related to POC support students very well but the school itself sometimes overlooks certain students and organizations. I wish Tennessee Tech would help to be more inclusive and support POC whether that be financially, academically, […]
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It’s segregated to a certain degree but definitely not cliquey. I have friends of different ethnicities and races but would say that like most places people of the same ethnicity and race tend to hang out with people who share their identifiers. It’s not hard though to make friends of different ethnicities or races. We […]
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One day, I walked into a predominantly white party off-campus, and a white student yelled “why are all the minorities here?!” Not to only highlight racist incidents, I’ll also add that the BSU had a Friendsgiving and a large group of black students across the years came together to cook and eat together (the food […]
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Joining Black Student Union was the best decision I made coming to this school. I was able to be around people I could relate to. I learned a lot about how universities function. It was also a reason for me to stay involved in campus life, including my academics. In my involvement in a black […]
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CNU is not entirely segregated, but somewhat. There are resources for Black students but I have never used them. I honestly don’t know if the school supports students of color. I wish CNU had scholarships, jobs, and study help for students of color. I do not feel represented. I believe the school is supportive of […]
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